In awe of everything I just experienced on Baja Ultimate Whales expedition! I was looking to create a memory around seeing Whales for the first time in my life. The staff were all the top notch, it was true luxury, beyond expectations. The meals, too many to describe, were exceptional. Our lead guide, Ima, took care of every last detail. He made sure that everyone was given full attention and each persons needs met. I wanted to be able to experience all of the activities, thanks to Isaac I was able to see Whale Sharks up close. All of my whale wishes came true, I saw Humpback Whales, Fin Whales, Pilot Whales and the incredible largest living creature on earth, the Blue Whale. For someone who only had dreamed their whole life of seeing a Whale, my dreams not only came true but the lingering magic will last in my memories forever. Thank you to the whole team for making my birthday vacation one I will never ever forget!
Andrea Pico Estrada