Whale Watching in San Ignacio—No Two Moments Alike

An Ever-Changing Experience

One of the most magical things about whale watching in San Ignacio Lagoon is that no three sessions are ever the same. Every time we set out, the conditions shape a new experience—sometimes the lagoon is calm, the sun warming our faces, and all we hear is the soothing sound of whale blows echoing across the water. Other times, a soft mist settles over the lagoon, giving it a mystical aura. In those moments, when the fog lifts just enough, the silhouette of a Gray whale appears, like a guardian of this enchanted place. And then there are the days when the wind picks up, the water dances with whitecaps, and suddenly, the whales respond—one spyhop after another, as if they’re performing in perfect rhythm with the waves.

The Whales and the Tides

It’s fascinating to witness how the whales move with the tides. During slack tide, when the currents slow to a near standstill, many choose to rest, floating peacefully in the lagoon’s embrace. Others take the opportunity to forage, diving to the sandy bottom in search of food. But when the currents are strong, a different kind of scene unfolds—whales aligning, swimming steadily against the flow, like rush hour traffic in the ocean. In areas with rocky seabeds, we’ve seen spyhops happen again and again, as if the whales are carefully scanning their surroundings.

Moments of Connection with the whales

Every session brings something new—a lesson from the whales, a glimpse into their world, a reminder of how connected they are to the rhythms of the ocean. Some days, we see a mother gently nudging her calf, guiding it through the water, teaching it how to navigate its new world. Other days, a massive adult whale will roll onto its back, waving its long pectoral fins in the air as if greeting the sky. These moments remind us that we are guests in their world, privileged to witness their lives unfold in real-time.

Observing Whale Behavior

As we sit in our boats, we notice how the whales react to our presence. Some are shy, only surfacing briefly before slipping beneath the waves, while others are bold and inquisitive, swimming right up to our pangas, their enormous eyes studying us as closely as we study them. The trust they show us is humbling.

A Lasting Impact

Each encounter is a gift, a reminder that nature is unpredictable, spontaneous, and endlessly fascinating. And so, we return to shore each time with new stories, new memories, and a deeper appreciation for these incredible creatures. Whale watching in San Ignacio Lagoon is not just about seeing whales—it’s about understanding them, learning from them, and feeling an unspoken connection to the wild world they inhabit.

By Scarlett Mayorga

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