Loreto & Mechudo Corridor • Blue & Fin Whales
The entire Mechudo Corridor is alive with whales including blue, fin, humpback and dolphins and if we are lucky, orcas or sperm.
Enjoy unique whale watching and exploration opportunities from Loreto south through the Mechudo Corridor towards La Paz. Blue and fin whales are not just around Loreto but all the way south to Bahía de La Paz. Plus mangrove exploration, snorkelling and watching sea lions at Los Islotes, Espirito Santo Island UNESCO world heritage site, beach walks, hikes, kayaking and, weather permitting, snorkelling with whale sharks.
About the whales
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the largest animals to have ever lived on our planet. Including dinosaurs. Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are almost as big. Blues are loners, extremely endangered and spend most of their time in open ocean hunting for food where they consume 5 to 8 tons every day. Their tongue weighs as much as an elephant! Every winter they gather south of Loreto in the Mechudo Corridor to mate and calve which gives an extraordinary whale watching opportunity whether it’s from our kayaks, sailboat, 55-ft Westerly or 116-ft expedition yacht.
Try our Baja Ultimate Whale Adventure!
Start in San José del Cabo. Afternoon Humpback whale watching out of San José. One night at beachfront 4*hotel, dbl occupancy. Fly to San Ignacio Lagoon next morning, gray whales, transfer to Loreto, explore the Mechudo Corridor. Disembark in La Paz transfer back to San José. This is an awesome trip. Whale watching does not get any better than this!