Our San Ignacio gray whale season is almost here!
The whales are on their way south.
Our beautiful gray whales are currently migrating south. We are hoping to see them off the coast of San Diego at the start of December, and the first whales typically arrive home in the Lagoon during the 3rd week of December. While some of the mommas will give birth enroute, making one heckuva an adventure for the new calves, most of the birthing occurs in the upper of the 3 lagoons at San Ignacio. We can’t wait!!

Our season opener trips begin on January 15th, which is 3-4 weeks after the whales start arriving in the Lagoon. For 2024, we have 1 glamping camp and 2 luxury camps on offer including a smaller camp for just 13 guests. This is the most extraordinary whale interaction on the planet with countless guests telling us that they only wish they had done this years before actually making the trip. We all feel that way.
Our 4-days / 3-nights fly-in package from Cabo in glamping accommodation is priced at US$2,495 pp. dbl occ. Including up to 3 panga outings per day, fine dining, king-size beds, private showers and bathroom with hot and cold running water, 24-hour power and heating, and even a chandelier.